| For several years now I have been taking care of Bluebirds in nest boxes in our yard. Every year from 25 to 30 babies fledge out of these nest boxes. These babies grow into adults, and in one year will need more places to start Bluebird families. I asked our neighbors to help in this endeavor to bring the Bluebird back to our neighborhood thus making it a Bluebird neighborhood. The response was very gratifying. Every member of our neighborhood who was asked to allow me to put a nest box on their property, gave me permission. I am very grateful to my neighbors and I hope they will find the Bluebird experience rewarding. A copy of the letter I submitted to my neighbors can be seen on the link to the left. Please also read the news of our neighborhood using the link to the left. All the neighborhood boxes (including two of mine,) are shown on the left. Click on each to see a report of the inspections for each box in detail. The picture above "2002-Start of a Bluebird Nest" was taken by my friend Pam in Abingdon, MD. Usually a Bluebird nest will have from 3 to 6 eggs, 4 or 5 being most common.
Please feel free to send me, Fawzi Emad, any corrections, observations, comments or questions. Thank you! (The tail feather on the left is from Koko, our Blue-Front Amazon Parrot.) |