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Terrapin1.JPG (158057 bytes)The Eastern Box Turtle (Terrapene carolina) is a small land turtle who lives a long life, just like parrots.  They stay within a small area from where we see them, they do not go far.  Often I have helped this little fellow cross the road in front of our house.  He is under the bird bath (and dripper) where he can find a lot of moisture on the ground.  In the winter they are dormant and bury themselves under leaves and mud.  In the warmer spring weather they come out of hibernation, we begin to see them after a long absence in winter.  

Terrapin2.JPG (127784 bytes)Here is a close-up at the base of the bird bath.  I pray this turtle will live to come and visit us again.


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Please feel free to send me, Fawzi Emad, any corrections, observations, comments or questions.  Thank you!  (The tail feather on the left is from Koko, our Blue-Front Amazon Parrot.)