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Barn1.JPG (64490 bytes)We were so lucky our neighbors have four horses.  It was quite an ordeal when they got the horse barn.  It came in one piece on a long-bed truck, and it was a long and difficult job to get it in place.  

Barn2.JPG (108074 bytes)Finally after slipping and pulling with a special tractor, the barn was in place.  The men are now placing a weather vane on top.

Barn3.JPG (51929 bytes)Of course, the vane is that of a horse!  It swivels freely to show the direction of the breeze.

barnnest.JPG (34934 bytes)Not long after the barn was up than a barn swallow came in to make a nest.  It was lovely, a picture of the nest in the barn rafters can be seen on the left.

FemHorse.JPG (61180 bytes)Here is Fancy, the lovely female horse.  All four horses are wonderful to see.  Zeb the youngest loves to run and he starts the others trotting all over the yard!

Fawzi_horses.JPG (82145 bytes)zeb.JPG (37537 bytes)Here I am with the two larger horses in a picture taken by my friend Kate.  Maui the male horse is an old and nice horse.  He sometimes fights with the other male Rocky.  Mostly they play together.  Zeb, seen on the right is the youngest, but soon we hope Fancy will deliver a baby!

rocky.JPG (51471 bytes)Rocky is a little older than Zeb, but both are very young.  We can hardly wait to see the baby Fancy will have later this summer.

babyh1.JPG (58518 bytes)Well, it happened!  Our neighbor woke us up at midnight, Saturday June 5.  The baby was just born when we arrived, so he was born at the end of June 5, or the start of June 6, as midnight is the common boundary of these two dates...  She named him Midnight Star because he was born at midnight and a star was above in the sky.  My wife and I were so happy to see this event.  It was very moving.  The first picture I took shows how good a mother Fancy will be.  Her tail is wrapped in the pink material to prevent it from getting into the placenta and to keep it out of the way.

babyh2.JPG (55155 bytes)Just minutes later, Midnight Star is standing on his own!  What a miracle, we were in tears... 

babyh4.JPG (64225 bytes)In the morning I went back to take some more pictures of Midnight Star.  He was with his mother in the field, he was so happy.  He would drink some milk from his mother, run a bit, then buckle down for a little rest, even a nap.  Less than a day old, Midnight Star is tracking every move his mother makes.  He nurses and takes a lot of rest.  He is looking around his new found world.  These pictures were when Midnight Star was only 12 hours old...

babyh5.JPG (59370 bytes)Going down for a nap!

babyh6.JPG (72216 bytes)Under the watchful eye of his mom he sleeps.  Fancy made sure he was close to her at all times.


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Please feel free to send me, Fawzi Emad, any corrections, observations, comments or questions.  Thank you!  (The tail feather on the left is from Koko, our Blue-Front Amazon Parrot.)