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I got my first camera when I was 10 years old, it was a box camera (Zeiss) and took fairly large negatives, 6 x 9 cm.  It only took 8 pictures on each roll of film.  Of course, black and white...  But, due to the size of its negatives, these pictures were quite sharp.  From this I graduated in my teens to a 35 mm Zeiss camera, then to a "Honeywell Pentax."  The last is a single lens reflex camera.

Besides all the B&W pictures, I have thousands of color slides documenting my family and life over a period of half a century.  Lately I am using digital photography (Olympus C-3030 zoom and Olympus C-2100 Ultra Zoom.)  Digital photography is really enjoyable since I can take a picture and have it on my computer or printed in full color in a matter of minutes!  All the pictures shown in this website were taken by these two digital cameras (except those pictures from friends, with a note to that effect.)

leaf.JPG (83567 bytes)The picture on the left is of a Bradford Pear leaf which fell on our deck.  It appears like though it is made of three concentric leaves!  Click on it to see a bigger picture.


horizontal rule

Please feel free to send me, Fawzi Emad, any corrections, observations, comments or questions.  Thank you!  (The tail feather on the left is from Koko, our Blue-Front Amazon Parrot.)