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garden1.JPG (89275 bytes)The garden is raised, surrounded with 6" x 6" lumber as shown.  I bought 5 cubic yards of soil to make the fill inside the wood frame.  It is not too large, just a one-man garden, around 12 by 16 ft.  We have a lot of white-tail deer around here, so the garden was their favorite grazing area!  One year they ate all my tomatoes, fruit, leaves, stem and all.  I was so disappointed I did not plant the garden for two seasons (that was the time I designed and constructed the deck on the East end of our house.)  Finally, I decided to put an electric fence, it is "hung" on the three yellow insulators seen on the corner and other posts surrounding the garden.  Below the electric fence there is a mesh which prevents rabbits and other ground animals from coming inside.  On this end of the garden, I can open the section in the middle to enter and cultivate, plant, etc.  The orange electric wire energizes the charger (inside the wood box) and the green hose is of course for watering.

garden2.JPG (103647 bytes)I only plant four tomato plant, squash (one yellow and one green hill,) herbs, cucumbers, and flowers for my sweetheart!  The cherry tomatoes were so prolific, after picking all we can eat and still have much left on the plant.  What you see in this picture is what is left on the plant after taking a lot home.  This is the cherry tomato plant.  We ate from the garden all summer, and much of the fruit was given to neighbors who enjoyed it as it is far superior to what we can buy in the supermarket.  I think it was my maternal grandmother who instilled in me the love of gardening.  My mother also had many flowering plants around the house.  Often I would take care of her plants when she was too busy or away from home.

The garden is also dear to me for one other reason.  It was while gardening that a beautiful male Bluebird came and perched on a tree nearby and persuaded me to build him several nestboxes.  You can read more about this in the Bluebirds section.

grden1.JPG (68897 bytes)Here are some pictures of my garden in 2003.  Starting from the beginning on 6/11/03, and progressing in time.  In the beginning the garden was plowed and planted.  On the left are three hills (zucchini, yellow squash and cucumber,) then a row of Swiss chard, and on the right four tomato plants, each having a post.  Later a cage was attached around each post to contain the tomato plants.

grden2.JPG (82027 bytes)The date of this picture is 6/25/03.  The tomatoes have grown some.  The green at the far end of the garden is mint we use quite often in salads and cooking.  The squash plants are just coming out and are hardly visible.  We had much rain this summer, and the garden needed very little watering.

garden4.JPG (51837 bytes)On 7/26/03, this is the second harvest!  Only cherry tomatoes are ripe at this time.  The other tomato plants are loaded with green tomatoes which will soon ripen in large quantities.  It is amazing that this produce is ready in only 45 days after planting.

garden3.JPG (95260 bytes)On 7/28/03, all the plants are visible.  The squash and cucumber hills are on the left, the Swiss chard row in the center, and the four tomato plants on stakes and caged, on the right.  The cucumber on the left is climbing on a steel cage similar to the ones used for the tomatoes.


horizontal rule

Please feel free to send me, Fawzi Emad, any corrections, observations, comments or questions.  Thank you!  (The tail feather on the left is from Koko, our Blue-Front Amazon Parrot.)